Personal Checking
We have an account for everyone
Find the perfect account for you.
Essential Checking
No Minimum Balance Required
$0 or $6.50 Monthly Maintenance Fee
No monthly maintenance fee if you sign up for e-statements AND maintain a $500 daily balance OR maintain a daily balance of $1,500.
$100 Minimum to Open
There is a minimum deposit of $100 required to open this account online.
Unlimited Transactions
Includes Debit Card with Optional TCB SwipeNSave
Elite Plus Checking
Earns Interest
Earns interest on balances over $5,000.
No Minimum Balance Required
$0 or $8.50 Monthly Maintenance Fee
No monthly maintenance fee if you maintain a daily balance of $5,000.
$100 Minimum to Open
There is a minimum deposit of $100 required to open this account online.
Unlimited Transactions
Includes Debit Card with Optional TCB SwipeNSave
Presidential Perks Checking
No Minimum Balance Required
$10 Monthly Maintenance Fee
One simple fee with all the perks included!
$100 Minimum to Open
There is a minimum deposit of $100 required to open this account online.
Unlimited Transactions
All the Perks Included
Debit Card with Optional TCB SwipeNSave | Unlimited Cashiers Checks | Online BillPay | Two TCB Basic Check Orders per Calendar Year
Senior Checking
Must Be 55 or Over
No Minimum Balance Required
No Monthly Maintenance Fee
$100 Minimum to OpenThere is a minimum deposit of $100 required to open this account online.
Unlimited Transactions & Unlimited Check Writing
Includes Debit Card with Optional TCB SwipeNSave

TCB MasterCard® Debit Card
Whatever you need, whenever you need it, your TCB MasterCard® debit card makes it easy to make everyday purchases without having to visit a bank or ATM. Use your TCB MasterCard® debit card anywhere MasterCard is accepted, including millions of retailers, ATMs, online, or over the phone. Best of all, you can get a new card printed instantly at our Main Branch location with TCB Instant Issue.

Digital Banking Done Right
Our digital banking app puts control at your fingertips. You can use simple, smart tools like instantly freezing and unfreezing your debit card with the tap of a button, activate new cards, request temporary limit increases, set travel alerts, and change your pin, wherever you are. Add your debit card to your mobile wallet and pay with your phone. Send money to anyone instantly via text message or email address, manage your bills, and deposit checks. Best of all, digital banking has security built-in, with 128-bit encryption, fraud anomaly detection, and biometric authentication. Our app is just another way we make banking simple. Download today to take control of your finances in the palm of your hand. That is digital banking done right.

Add TCB Swipe-N-Save Automatic Round-Up Savings
TCB’s optional SwipeNSave program makes it easy to save every day by automatically rounding up each purchase you make with your TCB MasterCard Debit Card to the nearest whole dollar and depositing that amount in your linked savings account. The best part is TCB matches 100% of your rounded-up savings for the first 90 days.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It
See what these actual customers have to say about banking with TCB, and this is just a few

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